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Location: Oakland, France, United States

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Our First Playgroup

Emmett and I attended our first playgroup ever this morning, and I left wondering two things, "Why did it take me so long to do this?" and "We really don't have enough toys for him." (As I mentioned in an email later to my friends Anne and Kathy, corks, uncooked potatoes and green beans, and water bottles filled with dried lentil beans can only be amusing up to a point.)

Emmett played *hard* -- he loved being around the other babies, one of whom was his age; he had a blast playing with all the toys; and he surprised me by playing quite independently, unlike how he can be at home when it's just the two of us.

The playgroup is hosted each week by a group of MESSAGE members who live in the vicinity. The host this week happened to be a Boalt graduate ('93) whose mother lives in North Berkeley. Christine is Chinese-American and married to a Frenchman. The other mothers were from Australia and Oregon. I was warmly welcomed and left with some great advice about schools, train travel, and a mother-baby spa in western France! I hope to continue attending this playgroup until we leave as I think Emmett needs more opportunities to play with other kids. AND, I appreciate the chance to talk to other moms, all of whom share a love of this beautiful city.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad you found a play group for you and Emmett. He looks like he had a great time socializing and playing!

I recognize that phone that was in one of the pix... Kevin and Owen would love to pass theirs on if Emmett would like it!

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We miss you - but also look forward each day to checking the blog to see if there's anything new. Joy and envy - that's what I feel for you guys. The meals you've had! The experiences! The people you've met! Wow! This is the stuff a lifetime of dreams is made of. Savor every moment, just like you've been savoring the bites of those dishes. Take good care.


11:59 AM  
Blogger Jacqueline A. Whole said...

Ooh, you know more than one Jen. This is a different me than the me above me...

Cool. Those pictures look exactly like scenes from my study group last year. Now I study alone.

12:13 PM  
Blogger JBY said...

Ok, your friend Jen continuously keeps me laughing off of my chair.

AND! Won't try the Lynna and David theory of no toys as the part of "playing independently" sounds way too inviting. Emmett just looks so absorbed in all of it.

12:01 PM  

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