Last year on this day, David and I (with Emmett in utero) were in Kauai celebrating the wedding of our good friends Joyce and Jeff. Everything about the day could not have been more perfect: the weather, the setting, the ceremony and the reception. The wedding was held at the Hyatt in Poipu with the ceremony in the Ilima Garden’s gazebo. Their vows to each other were incredibly moving -- there was hardly a dry eye in the audience.
(What made the vacation especially memorable to us was that it was our last pre-baby trip. We packed light, followed no schedule, and meandered to our hearts' content, fully aware that future trips to Kauai with a child may involve slightly more planning and gear. We savored every minute of our vacation.)

Being the world travelers that they are (one of Jeff's vows to Joyce was to take her to at least one new destination a year), they are enjoying their first anniversary in Cabo, followed by a long vacation to Peru and the Galapagos Islands in October. Having just returned from France in May, they won't be able to visit us in Paris during our stay this time... but maybe they'll agree to renew their vows in five years at another exciting destination!
Ok, who are the randoms? Thanks so much for helping us reminisce all over again!
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